Being Bit(ten) and Byting Back

Monday, August 01, 2005

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Book 4)

Just finished reading this one today, and I have to admit that I liked it, and this is from a person who actually hated the Lord of the Rings (the book not the movies). The more I read the books, the more I'm convinced that J. K. Rowling's inspiration came from Star Wars Episode IV. Especially, the part when Obi-Wan Kenobi told Luke that Darth Vader had murdered. Think of the references to the Dark Side of magic ( vs. the dark side of the force), Death Eaters (vs Death Star?), tatooed acolytes (vs the tatoos on Darth Maul), extremely powerful good wizards teaching young students (contrast the role of Dumbledore the old teacher and Yoda the ancient Jedi Master), the Rise of the Dark Side after being being beaten by the good wizards (the ancient war between the Jedi and the Sith), and finally think of Tom Riddle changing his name to Lord Voldemort ( Palpatine to Darth Sidious, Anakin to Darth Vader, Count Dooku to Darth Tyranus(?)) I have hunch that in the later books we're going to find out the real story of why Tom Riddle was seduced by the Dark Side and what is his actual relationship with Harry Potter, and what Voldemort really wants is to turn Harry to the Dark Side.
... On to Book V


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