Being Bit(ten) and Byting Back

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Apple to ditch IBM, switch to Intel chips | CNET

Apple to ditch IBM, switch to Intel chips | CNET This is interesting! Here I was debating whether I should get the new the PowerMac G5, and then rumors start swirling that Macs will be going to Intel. The main reason why I wanted a new Mac was to replace my iMac. I think its by far a better computing platform, in terms of looks and functionality. The fact that it takes care of my music, and pictures and videos seamlessly is amazing. As a developer, who prefers to work on open architectures like Linux and BSD, I think Apple delivers a lot more to the C/C++ coder in me than say an equivalent product from Microsoft. One a more personal level I really don't care. After all, I almost never program at a level where I have to deal with assembly. As a rule I prefer to program in simple vanilla C or C++, that I think should be portable across all compilers, so as long as a good compiler implementation is around, I really don't care if the underlying platform is from Intel or IBM. To me the big 100-million dollar question is whether I should go ahead and buy a copy of the OS X knowing that its going to be obsolete by next year or in 2007, when they come out with a new version of the OS, or wait until the next version come out. I wanted to buy a Windows Box too, but I think I will wait until Longhorn is released. I've read some reports that its going to be spectacular. This is what another Robert Scoble had to say about it and another post from the him. and here's what Russel Beattie had to say. and another blogger who says that the rumor is wrong. Shit more decisions to make.


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