Musings on a hot Sunday Morning...
Its a very hot Sunday today at 8:47 am. Whoever might be reading this must be wondering what I'm doing up so early on a Sunday morning anyway. I don't know either. I've never been able to figure out what motivates me to get up early on an off day and yet I can't seem to wake up on working day. When I was a kid, I always woke up before 9 am in the morning to watch the 9 am cartoons that were on televisions without anyone waking me up. On a school day getting out of bed was the worst thing to happen and it happened 5 days a week...
Anyway, having woken up so early, I just threw in my 2 week old laundry in the washer. While putting my clothes in, I wondered the why the management of my apartment complex just put in three washers and three dryers. Three doesn't make any sense. An average person would generally use at least 2 washers. One for his or her white clothes and one for his or her colored clothes. This means that only one person can use the washers at any one time, because another person trying to use the laundry facilities will on average not use the facilities for half his or her load in the washer and then wait for another washer to be free to wash the next half. The potential user would rather wait for at least two washers to become available before it becomes viable to do laundry. So effectively, only two washers are used at any one time on average. The management should either remove the third washer or add another one.
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