Musings for the day...
I'm confronted with a design problem at work that has been driving me nuts. Framework design has been on my mind quite a lot lately. One of the most vexing questions I have to deal with is how to refactor C++ code written somewhere in the last century with distinct C flavor into a viable modular OO design. I bought Martin Fowler's book on refactoring last night to help me get some ideas. I guess that will be my bed time reading for today.
On another note I started reading up on DirectX and how to render 2D images in it. One of the big problems that we face in the company I work for is how to render images quickly enough. A lot of image processing is done by the IPL from Intel (actually we're using an older version, we need to move to IPP), but that's only one part of the solution. We need a faster way of rendering the 2D images on the screen. I've been looking at DirectDraw for that. There is only one person in the team who knows anything about DirectX, and even he worked on DirectShow which is something for rendering movies. Since this will be probably be happening in my own time. I guess I won't be moving to Linux like I had to planned to.
I've been debating if I should get the new Max OS X release, when Apple releases Tiger. Its about $129.00. That's pretty steep(!) for poor ol' me. Or should I wait until I can afford to buy a new PowerMac. I heard that Apple is planning to come out with some new hardware. I wonder why Apple did'nt release a Java 1.5 for Macs when Sun released it. I'm pretty sure they are going to release it with Tiger.
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